1979 - Degrees in Chemical engineering and Applied Science (energy Tech)

1981 - Founds and runs Energy Management Advisory Service for NSW government

Sustainable Business Aust. Board
Energy Efficiency Council Board

1984 - Founds and Runs Energetics Consulting

Develops energy/carbon management software and on-line energy information management system

2000 - Founds and leads VC backed subsidiary of Energetics. Takes to USA in 2001

2002 - Founds Children's Discovery. A non-profit organisation for engaging children in STEM

2009 - Co-Founds and Leads A2EP

Served on the ARENA Board
Served on the NSW Climate Council

2018 - Bid Leader for RACE for 2030 CRC

2020 - Founds and leads RACE for 2030


Energetics celebrates it's 40th Anniversay and sale to ERM. Children's Discovery celebrates 22 years, A2EP has its 15th anniversary and RACE for 2030 celebrates its 4th year.

Jonathan Steps down from RACE for 2030 and founds

Jutsen Innovation

Hi, I am Jon Jutsen, an independent energy and carbon mitigation expert, with a lifetime committed to making impact in energy productivity and climate change. I recently stepped down from my latest leadership role as CEO of the ‘RACE for 2030’ CRC (Reliable Affordable Clean Energy – Cooperative Research Centre), and now spend my time on a portfolio of interests in this field which create impact.

Let’s see how I can add value to your organisation, by bringing a unique combination of

  • 40+ years of experience in leadership roles in energy productivity and carbon mitigation in public, private and not for profit organisations

  • A creative and curious mind, with strong lateral and systems thinking

  • Fresh perspectives – I can bring clarity to your strategy and help find new solutions and sources of value.

  • Combination of technical competency (degrees in Chemical Engineering and Applied Science - energy technology) and business acumen

  • Track record in building 4 successful businesses and not-for-profit organisations, all of which have stood the test of time

  • High energy level and strong work ethic

  • Independence and integrity

  • Extensive network of high level contacts across the industry